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FFounders Fitness Clinic

Lactating women health package

Category : Women health

Lactating mothers needs a healthy diet to maintain their health and to feed their baby easily. A specially customised diet plan for women and post delivery maternal diet plans for lactation and breastfeeding. Helps newly mothers to nurture their young ones with the necessary care....

Package Details

  • Healthy diet
  • Nutrition
Lactating mothers needs a healthy diet to maintain their health and to feed their baby easily. A specially customised diet plan for women and post delivery maternal diet plans for lactation and breastfeeding. Helps newly mothers to nurture their young ones with the necessary care.
Lactating women health package
FFounders Fitness Clinic
2 items included
Package Includes
  1. Healthy diet
  2. Nutrition
₹ 1350
Only offline payment is accepted
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