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Tirur Smart Clinic

Individual Package 3 Sessions

Category : Mental Health

Individual therapy is one-on-one treatment in which a therapist meets with clients individually to address their specific difficulties. Individual therapy is a beginner-friendly style of treatment that may be appropriate for you if you are just beginning your journey to mental well-being. It allows you to feel at ease since...

Package Details

  • Mental health
  • manage-work-stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Individual therapy is one-on-one treatment in which a therapist meets with clients individually to address their specific difficulties. Individual therapy is a beginner-friendly style of treatment that may be appropriate for you if you are just beginning your journey to mental well-being. It allows you to feel at ease since you are provided a safe and confidential space to discuss your private concerns with a therapist. It also allows you to develop a relationship with your therapist, allowing you to feel more at ease and cooperative in therapy.

Individual therapy provides you with a tailored treatment plan, as well as a professional and unbiased viewpoint on your unique issue that differs from that of your friends or family. It helps you to reflect on your emotions and behaviors in a self-reflective manner.

Terms & Conditions:

1. 3 sessions are included in the package.

2. 1 hour per session, additional hours are chargeable and counted from the following sessions.

3. No refunds are issued after the first session is scheduled 

4. Scheduling is subject to the availability of the practitioner. 

Individual Package 3 Sessions
Tirur Smart Clinic
4 items included
Package Includes
  1. Mental health
  2. manage-work-stress
  3. Anxiety
  4. Depression
50 % OFF
₹ 2000.0
Only offline payment is accepted
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