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FFounders Fitness Clinic

Three month diet consultation

Category : Diet and Nutrition

A diet consultation helps a lot in early recovery from diseases,regulate body fat , increase immunity, repair cells or even regenerate new cells. Thus, a consultation from a qualified Dietitian is important as the right food prescribed according to the specific condition will help a patient recover from the health...

Package Details

  • Healthy diet
  • Nutrition
A diet consultation helps a lot in early recovery from diseases,regulate body fat , increase immunity, repair cells or even regenerate new cells. Thus, a consultation from a qualified Dietitian is important as the right food prescribed according to the specific condition will help a patient recover from the health condition faster.
Three month diet consultation
FFounders Fitness Clinic
2 items included
Package Includes
  1. Healthy diet
  2. Nutrition
₹ 10500
Only offline payment is accepted
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