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FFounders Fitness Clinic

Diabetes with other medical condition

Category : Diet and Nutrition

Diabetes itself can be a annoying lifestyle condition and alongside if you have other medical conditions too daily life can be very challenging. This diet package is for you. Professional guidance for diabetic patients with other medical conditions like kidney damages, skin conditions and others....

Package Details

  • Organic dieting
  • Healthy diet
  • Nutrition
Diabetes itself can be a annoying lifestyle condition and alongside if you have other medical conditions too daily life can be very challenging. This diet package is for you. Professional guidance for diabetic patients with other medical conditions like kidney damages, skin conditions and others.
Diabetes with other medical condition
FFounders Fitness Clinic
3 items included
Package Includes
  1. Organic dieting
  2. Healthy diet
  3. Nutrition
₹ 1620
Only offline payment is accepted
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