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FFounders Fitness Clinic

Constipation diet package

Category : Diet and Nutrition

There are different organ systems in our body and digestive system is one of the important among it. Improper functioning of digestive system leads to constipation issues. It is a very common complaint, a persons lifestyle and diet plays an important role in it. This diet plan takes care of...

Package Details

  • Healthy diet
  • Nutrition
There are different organ systems in our body and digestive system is one of the important among it. Improper functioning of digestive system leads to constipation issues. It is a very common complaint, a persons lifestyle and diet plays an important role in it. This diet plan takes care of your digestive health and eliminate common constipation problems.
Constipation diet package
FFounders Fitness Clinic
2 items included
Package Includes
  1. Healthy diet
  2. Nutrition
₹ 1000
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