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MGM Healthcare Laboratory

MGM Li'l Champ Health Check Basic

Category : Basic health

MGM Li'l Champ Health Check : you don’t need to be an adult to take your health seriously. This basic paediatric package covers...

Package Details

  • Blood-typing
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Random Blood Sugar
  • Urine Routine
  • Mantoux

MGM Li'l Champ Health Check : you don’t need to be an adult to take your health seriously. This basic paediatric package covers the common tests done for most paediatric cases.


The test included in this package are:

Blood Grouping and Rh Typing, Complete Blood Count, Glucose Random, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, Mantoux, Urine Routine, PHC Consultation (Paediatric), PHC Consultation (Dental), PHC Consultation (Eye), and PHC Consultation (Dietitian).


MGM Li'l Champ Health Check Basic
MGM Healthcare Laboratory
6 items included
Package Includes
  1. Blood-typing
  2. Complete Blood Count
  3. Random Blood Sugar
  4. Urine Routine
  5. 25-OH VITAMIN D
  6. Mantoux
20 % OFF
₹ 3000.0
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