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Shimna Mohammed Faisal

Psychotherapist / Behaviour Therapist

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  • 1 Locations

About Me

<ul> <li>I am a psychotherapist and emotional health coach who guides clients from their subconscious level to explore their reality. I help them embrace their fears and challenges in their daily life by recreating a better space. I focus on the intervention of repeated toxic patterns and trauma faced by individuals and couples, helping them strengthen their bond and break free from limiting beliefs.As a registered behavior therapist with more than 5 years of experience in the field of human mind and body, I approach issues in a holistic method by connecting the soul, mind, and body. My expertise includes:Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: An approach that focuses on emotions and actions and helps clients dismantle unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors. Irrational beliefs can come up in response to things we experience, or stressful life events that inevitably happen.</li> </ul> <p><br></p> <ul> <li>Hypno-psychotherapy: A combination of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy to help clients better understand themselves related to specific issues or concerns they may be facing. This can change certain behavioral patterns or perceptions and assist in improving one's confidence level and other common mental health concerns including anxiety and stress.</li> </ul> <p><br></p> <ul> <li>Reparenting therapy: An approach where the client unlearns harmful and unhealthy ways of being with themselves and others. The goal is to learn new healthy thoughts and behaviors by addressing how their childhood needs were not met and then eventually work to fulfill those for themselves. This can include lack of emotional support, affection, security, attachment, or structure from one's parents.</li> </ul> <p><br></p> <ul> <li>Emotional Freedom Technique Therapy: EFT tapping is a mind-body method of stimulating acupuncture points by bringing mindfulness and attention to one's body and breathing to release stress, anxiety, or other psychosomatic conditions.I am here to help you transform to a change of possibilities by identifying the core issue and working together to overcome it.</li> </ul> <p><br></p>


Work & Experience

  • Freelance Therapist 2019 - Present Specialised in resolution for anxiety, stress burnout, and insomnia
  • Psychology Graduate Intern 2019 (3 Months) Worked as an intern at Marthoma Mental Hospital at Thrissur Kerala where I conducted patient assessments and evaluations to determine the patient's overall wellbeing from physical, mental and medical histories. Supported patients with severe developmental delays along with schrizophrenic and bipolar in-patients.
  • Consultant Therapist 2019 - 2021 Worked as a consultant therapist at Spell learning support center Kodungallur Thrissur, by providing psychological support for children with learning disabilities through assessment and management of challenging behavior.
  • Associate Counsellor 2021 Worked as an associate counselor under a clinical and counselling psychologist at Modern Hospital (currently renamed as Craft Child Health and Behavior Clinic) by delivering appropriate interventions and therapies for couples and individuals facing pre and post marital issues, post partum depression in women and parental issues.
  • Behavior Therapist & Special Educator Sep 2021 - Jan 2023 From September 2021 to January 2023, worked as a Behavior therapist and special educator at Dubai Autism Center in Dubai UAE by providing learning support and delivering ABA therapy for autistic children and adolescents.


